has decided to invest in our Northern Light® for disinfecting large sports facilities while making energy savings and reduce CO2 emissions.
The Municipality has around 40,000 inhabitants and covers an area of almost 900 square kilometres. Their technical department has the responsibility of maintaining all the public buildings from smaller offices to large sports facilities and arenas.
”We live in a world, where the arrival of the corona pandemic has taught us to get accustomed to the fact that bacterias and viruses are airborne threats. Thus, an invisible airborne threat. Now, we have minimised that threat with the installation of fans. Fans that both moves the heat from right under the ceiling down towards the ground and secures clean air eliminated of bacterias and viruses. This entails that we actively creates a good indoor climate where people meet, so they feel safe too.“
Furthermore, Lotte Lem explains than when the Technical Service carries out energy improvements in one area, then the department can spend that money on the maintenance of public buildings.
“We have worked out the profitability created by the fans in nine sports facilities. These numbers show that the fans reduce our expenses significantly for i.a. heating, which means that we save money that is well spend on maintenance of our buildings. This way the users experience a higher standard and in the end, at better service. In many respects, it is a win-win situation,” she says.
Lolland Municipality has confidence in the efficiency of HVLS-fans and down the road, Lotte Lem believes that the fans can be found in more of the municipality’s public buildings than in merely sports facilities.
“Now with the assistance of the fans we can secure a way better temperature in our sports facilities and arenas. The challenge is that the heat rises to the ceiling, which the fans now press down towards the floor again. The fans also minimises the need for air condition and thereby reduces our CO2 emissions. This all fits well into our green transition.“
“When the schools and sports facilities open up again, we are prepared to secure a good and non-infectious indoor climate, which offers a generally better comfort for the students and users.“