Danfoss Power Solution bedre indeklima i produktionshal



Fans create a better indoor climate

At Danfoss Power Solutions they’ve installed ceiling fans in a manufacturing facility to create a better indoor climate for their employees. 

In their internal magazine “PS Close Up” SEH employee Finn tells how HVLS ceiling fans from Nordicco improved the indoor climate in the manufacturing facility. 

This case is based on the article from their magazine. 

Produktionshal får bedre indeklima med ventilatorer
Bedre indeklima i Danfoss produktionshal

improved indoor climate in production hall

Securing a good indoor climate in a large manufacturing facility is no easy task. Plenty of equipment means process heat and gates open and close at various intervals. For years, the Danish manufacturing company Danfoss Power Solutions have been working on finding solutions to improve the indoor climate. Especially in the summer months where the temperature rises outside. Therefore, they installed 6 Northern Air® HVLS ceiling fans in the summer 2023, as a way to secure a better indoor climate and working environment for employees.

“The fans, which are designed to run in both directions, are moving enormous amounts of air. During summer, when we choose the setting that pulls the air upwards, we can transport the warm air out of the building and create a comfortable air circulation without a draft”, explains their Health and Safety Manager.

“If the weather becomes intensely warm we can also set the fans to push air directly downwards and at a greater speed, so that employees experience a sense of cooling. We can control the temperature better since installing the new fans, but at the same time we also experience that the air quality is improving. The air simply feels more fresh”  says Health and Safety Manager.


Through the online control platform Northern Sky® they get an overview of the fan operations as well as indoor climate data from the building. They can control the fans, their run-schedules and of course the speed. Furthermore, they can monitor the temperature and humidity at floor and ceiling level and the CO2 levels in the facility through advanced sensors placed throughout the building. The IoT-module makes Northern Sky® accessible from computer and smartphone so the fans can be controlled anytime and anywhere.

“Not only can we feel the improved indoor climate, but we can see it directly in the control platform. It’s never been better” says SEH Manager Finn who’s hoping that this project with their first HVLS ceiling fans can lead to similar fans in other areas of the manufacturing site.

“With this new type of fan it’s also possible to avoid a draft. We’ve placed one of the fans based on this feature” he explains.

“It’s a good way to control the indoor climate. It’s become substantially better” says employee Michael and points towards a drop-off area where the Nordicco fan has made a big difference in relation to draft.

Big movable fan

Along with the ceiling fan project, Danfoss Power Solutions have also invested in a big movable fan for use in other areas of the building.

”The other fan can be moved around as neede. So when it’s very warm, it’s a better solution than opening the outer gates, where we drag impurities and humid air into the building, which can damage our products. So sometimes it’s better to circulate the air we already have” says SEH Manager Finn.

Not only can we feel the improved indoor climate, but we can see it directly in the control platform. It’s never been better.

SEH Manager Finn

Danfoss Power Solutions Magazine article about Nordicco


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