Beating Process Heat

How SKY-LIGHT enhanced workplace comfort

over 40 degrees in summer

Imagine a factory hall so hot it feels almost unbearable, with temperatures soaring over 40°C in the summer. This was the reality at Danish manufacturing company, Sky-Light, until the company implemented a new solution to improve their indoor climate.

The challenge of process heat

Sky-Light faced stagnant air and high temperatures in their production halls due to process heat. This created an unsatisfactory indoor climate, negatively affecting productivity and employee satisfaction.

Summer temperatures often exceeded 40 degrees, with significant variation across different zones in the production area, necessitating substantial improvements in air circulation.

Procesvarme gav udfordringer i produktionshal
The production halls are each equipped with a ventilation system used for comfort ventilation.

“I joined Sky-light 5 years ago, and from the start, it was clear that managing the high temperatures was a critical task for me. The hottest spots were around the process equipment. The air didn’t move, creating almost unbearable conditions.”

Allan Schultz Møllgaard
Maintenance Manager at Sky-Light

The solution

In 2022, Maintenance Manager Allan Schultz Møllgaard opted for a game-changing decision: installing an HVLS fan from Danish company Nordicco.

“We started with one fan over the most challenging area,” Allan explains. The success was so significant that additional fans were soon installed in another production zone.

The Results

The effect was immediate: “It works really well! We haven’t had a single employee complain about the indoor climate since,” Allan says. “Previously, there was a big difference between zones in here. That’s no longer the case.”

Improved Indoor Climate Year-Round

The HVLS project made the summer months much more comfortable, improving air circulation and lowering temperatures in the manufacturing facilities. On hot summer days, the outside temperature can now be maintained inside the production area – even with added process heat.

During winter, Allan uses the fans to move heat from the ceiling down to the employees, keeping them warm: “I run the fans in reverse in the winter to bring the heat from the ceiling downwards,” he explains.

Overall, Allan describes the change post-HVLS project as:

We have a perfect indoor climate now!

Procesvarme udfordringer - Processvärme utmaninger - i Produktionshall

About Sky-Light manufacturing co.

Sky-Light is a leading Danish plastic manufacturer of films and packaging. With over 100 employees and a production area covering more than 20,000 m², the company delivers over 650 million items annually to the European market.

Sky-Light prioritizes a good working environment and indoor climate for their employees.

Indeklimaforbedringer hos Sky-light


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